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Subtleties of technical translation

The result of translating a foreign text into a native language is a text that looks or “readable” as if it was written in the native language. A technical translation must comply with this rule one hundred percent. Inadequate technical translation including english to telugu translation can become the primary source of serious problems, such as: malfunctions or breakdowns of technical equipment, and even damage to human health.

Also, an incorrect translation can lead to legal troubles, which can damage the reputation of the organization.

The difference between a technical translator and a translator of a different style
A translator of a technical text must not only have general linguistic skills and knowledge of the culture of the countries of the original and translated languages, but also must thoroughly understand the text, that is, have specific knowledge in a narrow professional field.

Moreover, a technical translator must have special dictionaries that he must use to guarantee an accurate result and an adequate translation. A technical translator also needs to remember that, depending on the geographic location of the company, the same concepts may have different names. For example, a cart carrying a pipe from one place to another can be translated into English as bogie / indexer, although they have different meanings in the dictionary. In such cases, consult a technician.

The purpose of a technical translator
A technical text is a text created with the help of technical specialists (instruction, equipment manual, etc.). In the global translation business, technical translation makes up about ninety percent of all other types of translation. The task of the translator when translating technical texts is to create a text in the translated language that would correspond to the original text in terms of content, terms and symbols.

Technical translation rules:

– Thorough understanding of the essence of the technical text of the translated language;

– Maximum transfer of the meaning of the translated text and its terminology;

– Adaptation of the translation to the standards of the country of the translated language.